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      <h1>2.10 of the most legendary rulers from ancient history</h1>
      <p>A lot of people can be rather dismissive of ancient history, even using the term to refer to past events so
        remote as to be irrelevant. Nothing could be further from the truth, as the events and decisions made in
        antiquity continue to influence us to this day. To explore this, we’ll look at 10 of the most legendary rulers
        of ancient history, what they did, and why their decisions still matter.</p>
      <p>For our purposes, “legendary” means “awesome” rather than “potentially not real.” A few kings and queens of old
        who may not have been real people, such as Gilgamesh, The Yellow Emperor, and the Queen of Sheba, are not
      <p>Additionally, what passes for “ancient” varies based on what area you’re talking about, so while all of the
        people on our list are long dead, a few of them were on the scene much more recently than others.</p>
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